Anniversary Years

Now you have no excuse to say you didnt know what present was for what year!

The Vows

Do you take?  I do! I do!

Let’s celebrate your love in your own unique way!

Any time, any place, anywhere, your imagination is your ONLY limitation!

Make your big day truly unique and special with a wedding ceremony or civil partnership celebration that truly reflects the couple you are. 

Music, readings, symbolic rituals...  you choose just how your ceremony will flow. I’ll combine all of the information you provided during the phone calls, meetings and questionnaire, and then start to design your ceremony, Then, I’ll weave your story and your chosen symbolic elements into the ceremony,  next your vows and ring exchange, and if you want you can even have a token certificate to sign** (also a great photo opportunity for your guests) before I have the pleasure of introducing you both to the world as a newly married couple!

Vow Renewals

Do you still take?? ooh yess!!

Renewing your vows or celebrating that milestone.

Be it an anniversary or just an excuse to have the wedding celebration you didn’t have the first time round, renewing your vows is a wonderful way to rededicate yourself to your partner

No one knows precisely when wedding anniversaries were first celebrated.      But the tradition is believed to go back at least to the Middle Ages, 

At that time in the Germanic regions of Europe, a husband crowned his wife with a silver wreath on the 25th anniversary of their wedding day and if the couple was fortunate enough to still like each other and reach their 50th wedding anniversary, the husband presented his wife with a gold wreath!

 Luckily, for us modern couples, as the centuries rolled on, more and more anniversary milestones were added, and a fantastic excuse was born for us to be showered with gifts on a yearly basis from our attentive partners and an even better excuse for a good party!

Checkout the list of anniversaries and gifts... now there is no excuse for not getting the right present

** For a marriage to be recognised in law in England & Wales, a legally-binding ceremony, commonly known as a ‘registration of a marriage’, MUST take place, normally at a Register Office.

A registration of marriage currently costs £35 p.p. for your notices and £49 for the room hire (at a Register Office). Add the cost of your marriage certificate and you can legally be registered for less than £130!** this can be done before or after your celebrant ceremony

(The same applies to a civil partnership registration) The service can be very short and basic, and does not have to involve the exchange of rings or vows if you don’t want it to.